Today we had a mission, how are we going to put on a whole service for the orphanage children. We started to form our plan over breakfast this morning. We were able to figure out the line up; opening prayer read by Katie, then translated in Swahili by Julius for the children, we would perform a song "Hosanna," sing "This little light of mind," have the children sing their songs as well, and finish up with Our Father prayer. To have this as a game plan is simple but we needed to be sure that we can execute. Our early afternoon was filled with singing along with choreography. There is a saying that practice makes perfect…… we didn't make it quite to that degree but we put a good effort and had smiles the whole time. Once we got over our singing the good part of the service started, the children singing. Their little voices accompanying the beat they kept with their little hand. It truly was a thing of beauty. After church it was time to open up the barber shop. Katie maned the clippers but had her trusty side kick Julius along with her. Gayle was on fungal control on the children's heads, all the while Amanda and Jaclyn were in charge of entertainment. The clippers buzzed until there was no longer light but we got a total of 14 children in. To spend a day completely surrounded by children is a blessing in itself, and gets all the better when they always have a dazzling smile for you. This day was very high energy which brought high spirits along with us. I ask you still pray for our team along with Gayle's family and Carrie. Thank you very much for your prayers and support and we will be sure to keep you in ours.
Jaclyn Smith