I asked the January team members to write a short summary on what the Hope Mission trip did for them. I would like to share one that was written by Allyson Murphy, who went on this last January trip with me. Thanks Allyson! Miss you and wish you were here with me.
Upon reflecting on my time spent in Africa with Hope MInistires, it proves to be extremely difficult for me to stop and reflect on one given moment or memory, because they were honestly happening through my entire trip! However, one memory that truly hits me deep and strikes home with me is that of the teenage girls at Light in Africa singing and praising harder than I have ever seen, every evening as the sun was setting before dinner. Most of these young girls have been without their parents or any family for countless years, they are wearing similar outfits day after day, they don’t have the latest make up and hairstyle trends, and they don’t have any form of a cellular device. I know, it’s crazy to wrap your head around right?
Although, that did not bother them, and it certainly didn’t stop them from constantly remembering what is important in life and who to give all of the credit to, our Heavenly Father. They don’t feel bad for themselves, and they certainly don’t expect any pity from anyone else. The way that these girls sing and pray to our Lord Jesus is truly incredible, and something that I will always remember. I hope to have half the strength and faith that they do. They are always so happy and full of love, caring for one another, and truly embracing and being thankful for each and every day God has given them.
They taught me something that I thought I knew all along in my 25 years of live, and they probalby don’t even realize it.