Thursday, May 4th
I have arrived safely in Tanzania, but it was a long trip. The closer I got, the more excited I was to return to this beautiful country. On arrival I took a step off the plane and took a big breath and the smells of Tanzania flooded me with emotions. Then I am greeted with such big smiles and hugs from Julius and Freeman and of course we chat away on our drive to Arusha. Then my Tanzanian team and I go over the schedules and make a list of things to finalize. I could not do this work without Julius and Freeman. What a blessing they are in so many ways.
I am so amazed how God works and orchestras things in this world. This is a perfect example what an amazing God we have.
Wilson is a friend, who I met from Sioux Falls, who came and spoke at my last fundraiser. He is from Burundi, Africa and lived most of his younger life in a refugee camp in Tanzania. He told me of a cousin that he has that is 19 years old. She has a large mass on the back of head and had to drop out of school many years ago. They are very poor and live in Burundi. Wilson asked for my help and he and I have working on this for months. She will be traveling a long ways to come and see us at the clinic in Mwanza and will see Dr. Ralph Reeder, our neurosurgeon. I talked to Ralph and he wanted her to get an MRI and before seeing her in the clinic. This will help him with the diagnosis and treatment. When I presented this to Wilson he said there were no MRI machines in Burundi and they were very poor and could not afford. So I contacted my dear friend Dr. Isidor and he gave me the name and phone number of where she could go in Mwanza.
I notified Wilson and he told them to call and make an appointment. We had everything arranged and then Wilson contacted me today in Tanzania, that they needed money because they cannot afford the MRI and could I pay for it. The problem was that I could not get the money to Mwanza before she was going to have the test. So as usual I contacted my dear friend Dr. Isidor and praise God he helped me out. Technology is amazing….Wilson in the US, and Gayle in Isidor in Tanzania…but with some phone calls all is arranged.
This girl will meet Isidor and he will write the order for the MRI and he will pay for the MRI and then I can pay him back. I do believe God has a big hand in making this happen and we serve an awesome God. I am asking for all of your prayers that we are able to help this young girl. She needs this so that she can have a chance at life.
Thanks for all the prayers and God bless you.
Mama Gayle