Everyone at Hope Ministries would like to wish you all a very Blessed Christmas and many blessings in 2016. We thank all of you who have supported us with your prayers, your support through donated items and your financial support. We thank you all for your loving and caring hearts. We ask as you gather with your families that you pray for the people of Tanzania, especially the orphans at Light in Africa. It is through your donations that we were able to buy them a Christmas tree and lights this year. The girls that are there helped the children make homemade Christmas decorations and they have decorated the tree and the dining hall at Light in Africa Children’s home. Then through your donations, we bought them beef, in which they will have a nice Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. God bless you all, this has brought so much love and joy to some very special children. I will post pictures of the decorated tree and a picture of the staff and how happy they are about the tree. God bless you all! Gayle
Here is today’s blog from the team in TZ:
Hello everyone,
The four of us spent the day prepping for tomorrow’s Christmas festivities. We wrapped almost 200 presents that will be hid in sawdust for the kids to find. After we finished all of the wrapping, we decorated the dining hall. The room was decorated with all of the leftover ornaments and a giant paper chain. We also made wreaths out of foam shapes to hang on the doors of all the children’s homes. We have a few more things to prep in the morning, but other than that, we are ready to celebrate Christmas with all of the Light in Africa children tomorrow.
Happy Holidays,
Olivia Tuel