Sunday, May 12th
As I pray for the rain to stop at home, so that the farmers can get there crops planted, I hear of the hardships that are weather related here in Tanzania. Their rains have come in late, in fact it has rained about the whole time I have been here. Because their rains are late, they had already planted their crops and a lot of the seeds died because of no rain and some replanted with no guarantee they will get a crop. For many replanting is not an option because they do not have the money to do this. So they are praying that the seeds that they planted survive and produce food to feed their families.
I spent the morning calling and verifying our schedules and talking with some of the patients we are to see. Everyone is so excited to see and meet the team!
I was able to spend time with my dear friend Fiona and her two beautiful girls. We had a nice visit and went out for the best Chinese food I have ever had! Yes…Chinese food in Tanzania! When she came to pick me up the road up to Ahadi Lodge was all dug up and you could not drive, so I walked to the end of the road to meet her. I almost slipped and fell into one of the holes I had to jump. The joke with the Ahadi staff is they wait to repair the road until I arrive. The problem is when we returned it had rained a lot and it was solid mud and water, so we called for one of the staff to come help me. By the time I got to the lodge my feet, shoes and lower legs were covered in mud. Praying the road is fixed by the time the team arrives. I always tell them to remain flexible and expect the unexpected.
Wishing all you beautiful mother’s a Happy Mothers Day. Being a mother has been one of my greatest blessings and I thank God every day for my beautiful family. Sending a lot of love to Mom and my daughter-in-laws on this special day. Know that I am thinking about you all and sending a lot of hugs.
Mama Gayle