Well we were up early (530 am) for 630 am church, which usually lasts for 2 hours. Freeman and Faraja picked up the team and we headed to Julius church and the pastor welcomed us and blessed us with a good journey and blessings for all we did for the people of Tanzania. After church we went to Julius house and his wife made us a cup of tea and coffee. It was good to see his little boy Jordan, and of course I had to get in my last hugs. He was pretty shy and it took awhile for him to warm up. So had to get out the candy and bribe him and it worked after a while. We then walked back to the church to get into our vehicles and head to the lodge.
I finished paying all the bills and then preceded to pack….I hate that job, but at least the supply bags are empty and less bags to bring home full of things. When those bags are empty I know that are job is complete in TZ.
Now starts the many good-byes and the tears have already begun. My sister Nai brought over her husband’s sister who has arthritis in her knees and has a very difficult time walking. We injected her knees with cortisone and hope that she will get some relief from that. What she needs is two new knees. It was hard to believe she was only 2 years older than me. Thank you God for good health! Our medical work is never done and we have a portable clinic where ever we go. I then had to say good-bye to Nai again.
Then my friend Fiona and their 2 girls come over to visit and say good-bye and I love them so much, it was hard to fight back the tears. I have so many people who are my family here in TZ.
Well the bags are packed and the team is anxious to return home to their families. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support on this trip. This has been a great team and so many people were helped. Thank you God for your strength, support and your guiding light on this trip. I feel truly blessed and I hope and pray that the team had a good time and were blessed by this trip. Many times it is not only about the people we help here, but the impact it makes on the tripsters. I pray that God showed them the reason for coming on this trip and that their love for God has grown stronger and will influence them the rest of their lives.
Can’t wait to see my family. Love you all so much.