Well we are making our way home, and now on the flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis. These long airline flights are gruesome. Most of us slept on the last flight, so that time went fast on that 9-hour flight.
I have received news from my son Meshack in Mwanza and his bothers condition has worsen and is now on a ventilator because can’t breath on his own. I wish I was there to give him a hug and help him through this challenging time. I ask all of your for your prayers for his brother and all of the family. My prayers are for God to take him home and that there would then be no more suffering. Such a young man and leaves behind 10 children. Meshack and his other brothers have talked and are going to help with these children. Wow..a big load for a young man, but I am so proud of him. He is wise beyond his years and since loosing his parents he has had to grow up way too fast. I have learnt from my brothers and sisters in Tanzania a Swahili word which they use often. It is nimehisha, which means “this is life”. I find that they use this word often and through their love for God that is how they deal with the daily struggles of life. They are so excepting of this being part of life, so much more than I know I can. I continue to learn from them but when I am sad about something they say nimehisha and somehow that does not take the pain alway. But has I pray and turn everything over to God, he shows me the light and eases the pain.
Yahoo we have arrived on American soil in Minneapolis. The team split to board their different flights for there last flight to get home. Thank you God for getting us home safely. What an awesome trip is has been. The team was awesome and we got a lot done. Missing my family in TZ already but we are all anxious to see our families.
Thanks everyone for your love, prayers and support.