Saturday morning and we are saying goodbyes to Mama Lynn and the kind staff at Light in Africa. They have welcomed us with open arms and we have very much enjoyed our stay. It is always hard to say goodbye, but I will be stopping back on the 16th and 17th while Gayle is in Arusha. Mama Lynn and the staff have amazed us with the sheer amount of work and dedication they show the poorest of the poor.
We were met with a big smile from Sister Renatus at he Coffee House in Moshi. She is a teacher at the Huruma School of Nursing. We had a cultural experience on the way home as we stopped off to pick up dinner……….two live chickens in the truck with us. When we arrived they had already butchured a hog and had quite a feast ready for us. Discussions occured with future visits to the school. The Sisters showered us with gifts of necklaces, fancy cake, non alcoholic champagne (to toast the new Hope Ministires). We were also presented with Tanzanian shirts. Personally written cards were awaiting us in our rooms. They are very supportive of Hope Ministries and we look forward to a future with them.
Then we ate AGAIN. Gayle is concerned because the Nuns want to feed Lee too much and non of it is his low carb diet…… the lbs are going the wrong way.
Sunday morning: Mass started at 7 am with the amazing choir (angelic like voices). A very large crowd of several hundred people including people sitting in the aisles and outside on benches. We were the only mzungus there (white people). The Father asked the people from the United States to come forward as special guests to be recognized. That was quite an honor reserved only for special guests.
This was followed by a large breakfast where Sister Renatus insisted Lee eat some more, cause he is still growing. I mentioned I think I am growing, but the wrong direction.
This afternoon wer are off to Moshi to visit the Catholic Hospital and then to Arusha to Ahadi Lodge.
Talk to you soon!
Lee and Gayle