Sunday, May 22nd

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(These are the kids from LIA at the church services singing).  They are all so happy and sing with praise for God).  Sorry I have some videos of the team doing their skit of Daniel in the Lions Den, but the Internet will not allow me to upload it.  They did an awesome job!  Gayle

Sunday, May 22nd:  Today was a wonderful day to be in Tanzania. After breakfast we were able to practice the skit of prayer and our song that we were going to do for the kids at the church service. I can say that my singing and dancing is not the greatest, but as a group we did a pretty good job of it all. During the church service it was amazing to hear the word of God in Swahili and English at the same time. It just shows that no matter what language one uses we can all speak with God in a positive way. The kids sang for us as we sang for them and did our skit on prayer.
After the church service and lunch we had to make our assessment sheets for the next couple of days when we will be working in the clinics. This was a fun but time consuming task where we were able to get to know each other all on a deeper friendship. This will help us work as a team and help more people while we are here.
Working as a team came up after we made all these sheets when we did a fire drill at Tudor Village. This was an interesting thing because the kids and mamas did not know it was going to happen and we have never really done something like this before, so this was an eye opening experience where we trusted in each other, the kids, and God to get this done in a safe way. This was a teaching lesson for them, but this was also a learning experience for us. Overall by working together and having fun while we did it was a great thing that made today unique in its own way.
