Today our team set up a clinic at a school in a very remote Maasai village outside of mining town. Many of the people that came to see us today were malnourished from the droughts that have effected this area over the past few months. Thankfully it is now the winter season and since we’ve been here there has been steady rainfall. When Gayle returns in January many of these villagers should be in much better conditions. We saw over 200 patients today, which brings our total to 400 over the past two days. A majority of the patients we saw today were children, mothers would come with four, five, six, or even seven children. Today was very rewarding for all of us. The people we saw were very thankful that we were there which made all of the work worthwhile.
Tonight we came home to a great home cooked chicken dinner, sat at the table and conversed for an hour and a half(per usual) and now are getting ready to head to Julius’ hometown of Arusha bright and early tomorrow morning. I’ll miss Mama Lynn’s and the great meals we’ve had every day, but I’m super excited to start work in Arusha.
Lala Salama
Ryan Moore
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