Hard to say Good-bye

Well I have just returned home from taking the NWC team to the airport.  It was hard to say good-bye to them and we had many tears.  I have been so blessed by all of these special people on this team.  They came with a heart to serve and that they did.  

Yesterday as the team was coming home from there last day on safari my Africa sister and I decided to make their last night in Africa very special and surprise them.  We went and bought groceries and a group of us prepared a Tanzanian meal for the team. I have always wanted to learn how to make chapati's and Nai's daughter Neema showed me and we made them for the team because I know they love them.  We also surprised them with some chocolate ice cream and a chocolate candy bar as we fixed a fire and sat around it and shared our times together in Africa.  To hear how this trip touched their lives really touched my heart.  To hear how they have grown in their faith is the largest blessing of all.  

As I sit here writing this I am feeling sad for having to say good-bye to an awesome team.  But now I am getting excited to share this trip with the team that will be coming this week.  Will be busy preparing things for their arrival.  

I am so thankful for Julius, Freeman, and Faraja who assist me with the teams.  They love and protect the teams when they are here and are a part of our Hope Ministries family.

Thanks so much for all the people who generously donated for the trip.  You have touched so many people's lives not only in Tanzania but also the teams that came to serve.  God bless all of you.

To all my family and friends I miss you all so much.  The time is going fast and won't be long and I will be home.  Sending a lot of love and hugs.  


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