Happy New Year to Everyone!
Well we had another exciting day yesterday. Julius, my Tanzanian Assistant, returned from safari so I got to see him for the first time. We went over all the team’s schedule and feel we are ready to hit the ground running when they arrive tomorrow night. We prayed for safely for the teams travels and asked for God’s guidance as we do His work in TZ.
I have never been in TZ during New Years, and found out that they love to celebrate it. At midnight there were all kinds of fireworks that were set off by a local Hotel. The neighbors were yelling and wishing everyone blessings in 2015. Much happiness and they all pray to thank God for the good things that have been given to them and wishing for many blessings in 2015. To witness the love and thanks that come from people that have so little is such a humbling experience. It makes me realize that even among sadness and challenges we need to be grateful for the blessings that God bestows upon us.
Wishing all my friends and family many blessings in 2015. I want to thank everyone who has supported Hope Ministries through your donations and prayers. I feel blessed for the many things that God has given to Hope Ministries and to all you who make this possible. God bless you.