God’s timing is more about His desires and His own plans than our curated time frames or our own desires.
If you’ve experienced any set backs in life, whether it be while trying to become a parent for the very first time, receiving a promotion in your current job, or even meeting that special someone that God has in store, do not fear. God tells us constantly throughout the Bible that His perfect Love casts out all fear (1 John 4).
Breathe, because God’s timing is better than any of our own timing.
Breathe, because His plans are truly working out for the benefit of our own good.
And breathe, because we can relax knowing full well, that He is in control of it all.
When we are at a place where we can place our trust and sole Hope in the One reigning above, we can honestly breathe. We can breathe and have peace, because He is greater than us. While your situation make look from the outside like a huge set back or delay, He knows it’s no such thing but simply His perfect timing – His perfect experience. So no matter your setback, your delay, or your wait today, friends and family — it’s all intentional. There is not a day that He has not planned before you.. So be courageous, trust that God is in your life fully, look at the flowers springing amidst the deadened trees and know that this too, is all a part of His miraculous plans.
Yes and Amen. We will take His wait, any day.
And in this wait, if you could take some time from your day and pray for our team who is currently bravely waiting for our next upcoming trip across seas to Tanzania, we’d appreciate that.
With Love,
Hope Ministries