A Hope Ministries Surgical Volunteer Story
Many of the patients we saw today had injuries from vehicle accidents. One thing that has really surprised me so far on this trip has been the amount of medical cases that have had delayed care due to lack of funding or lack of medical care in general. The delay in care caused their injuries and now surgical interventions to be far more complex and more difficult to treat. It’s amazing Hope Ministries has been able to intervene and help these patients with the care they need.
In the operating room, we did not have the same tools and resources that we usually have back home in the United States. Dr. Sutton and the Tanzanian medical team creatively and efficiently adapted and were still able to successfully perform all of the surgeries even with different surgical instruments.
To help Hope Ministries continue to help patients surgically, Tanzanian doctors, you can give through either of the following links below:
venmo: @Hope-Ministries