Hello again!
This is Ally and it has been another exciting day in Tanzania. We are now finished with our time in Rombo at the Huruma Hospital. This has truly been an incredible experience and I think I can speak for all of us when I say we had a wonderful time with the students. As you probably know, we have been working with the nursing students of Huruma School of Nursing. We get to follow them around during their hospital clinicals and see what they do on a daily basis. They are so smart and get to have a lot of hands on experience since they work in the hospitals three days out of the week. We have spent a lot of time talking about how they do certain things and then we teach them how we do those things. I have learned so much from these students and I will never forget my time here.
Today Katie and I were on the Labor and Delivery Ward. We got to see our first birth and let me tell you, it was an experience. These women are so strong and they hardly cry while they are giving birth. Also, the nurses are the ones who deliver the babies. The baby starts coming and one of the student nurses runs over, puts on gloves, and delivers it. I learned a lot about maternal health today and I am excited to take the class during my junior year. We also got to see a Caesarian section today. We got to stand in the operating room (they call it the theater) and see the entire procedure. The same student who had just delivered the baby was in the room scrubbing up to assist the doctor in the surgery! I think I am going to have to move here once I get my license because the nurses get to do all the fun stuff. It was a great day and we all had a great time learning from the Tanzanian student nurses.
After we ate lunch, we changed and went back to the school for the farewell ceremony. We were led in by the assistant principle of the school of nursing and got to sit at a table on the stage in front of all the students. They welcomed us and sang their national anthem and asked us to sing ours. They also gave us a powerpoint presentation that gave a summary of the important facts about Tanzania. Afterwards, they had some more songs and even a traditional dance. The students grabbed us during the dance and had us out there doing it with them. It was a lot of fun even though our dancing is nothing like the dancing they do. They must learn to dance before they learn to walk because it comes so natural to them. We look pathetic when we try to dance. They gave us gifts of African wraps (called shukas) and we gave them the Hope Ministries equipment and books we brought from the NWC Department of Nursing. They were very glad we could come and we appreciate everything they did for us. They are the most welcoming people I have ever met. I have definitely learned a few things about being a gracious host.
We will be heading back to Arusha tomorrow to Ahadi Lodge. I can hardly believe how few days we have left. This has been the most incredible experience of my life and I want to thank all the people who made this possible for each of us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and appreciate all your prayers.
Asante na Mungu akubariki sana (Thank you and God bless you very much),
Ally Fabrie