
 We attended mass with Julius and his family at his church. This adventure found our alarms going off at 5:30 this morning so we could eat at six and be on the road by 6:30 to make 7:00 mass. It was a blessing to be able to experience the unique Tanzanian mass. Being a catholic … Read more


Today was another blessed day in Tanzania. We started the morning with running a few errands and then made our way to the Meserani Snake Park located just outside of Arusha. This site also had camels and a Maasai museum. First, a baby camel caught Gayle’s eye so we went over and saw the baby … Read more


Sorry for the delay with blogging, but having trouble with the Internet. We went out for supper for New Years Eve and my dear sister Nai and her husband surprised me and joined us for dinner. I was so excited to see her and have time to chat with them. They shot off many fireworks … Read more