Saturday, June 10th
Friday was a day of mixed emotions. It was our last day of doing surgeries at Selian and then needed to visit all our postop patients. All the patients are doing very well.
We started the day at the Chapel to pray and sing with the staff. Their choir sings like angels. Then Dr. Amon, the director of Selian had a ceremony to recognize Dr. Mark Wheeler for all he done at Selian over the years he has been coming with Hope Ministries. This will be Marks last trip and we are all sad but so grateful for what he was done for Hope Ministries and Selian. I have no words to describe what a great supporter he has been and what a great friend he is. He promised he would still be available for me to call and help make decisions on what to do in TZ. He has been coming with me every year since Hope Ministries has started.
Mark is a great teacher and and has helped me obtain donated medical supplies and assisted me with getting a sponsor for our first residents that we sponsored and he has personally sponsored a resident himself. This is a program where we can help educate doctors become specialists. This is a win-win situation, as these doctors will go on to help many patients over the years, long past Hope Ministries.
Selian surprised me also, with honoring Hope Ministries and I for all we have done to support them. They appreciate how Hope reaches out and helps the poorest of the poor people and we do it with a heart of caring. I was really touched by this. They gave Mark and I gifts that will always be very special to us.
We then were invited out to supper with Selian Administration and doctors. What a fun evening to get to share laughs and plans for the future medical care at Selian.
The rest of the team had a great day on safari and they love Julius as a guide. They will finish their safari today and head back to Arusha, were we will pack and leave to fly to Mwanza on Sunday to continue our medical care at Bugando. Please pray for our team as it is going to be a big week.
God bless all of you for your continual prayers.
Mama Gayle