As you all may be aware, our team is currently serving in the heartland of Africa for the next couple of weeks.
Sometimes the beauty and power of prayer is all we need amidst these hard and long days in Tanzania. So how can you pray diligently and ask for strength and endurance that the team might specifically need?
Pray for our time in the hospital. That there would be no set backs, that all the staff would feel encouraged by our presence and that all the patients’ health would become stable and completely healed of any ailments they may be facing.
Pray for all the children that we encounter. That they may feel loved and valued as we spend our days with them.
Pray for energy and endurance. That our team would be energized morning and night in order to do God’s good and faithful work in Tanzania.
Pray for patience as Africa’s idea of time is not always equatable to our own idea of time.
Pray for weather. That the weather would cooperate for travels, potential long days outside and our time serving in Tanzania.
Pray for peace. That our team may be able to process everything fully that they witness and experience in the days to come, and that God’s love would draw them closer in order to truly encounter His sustaining and everlasting peace.
We thank you for your constant support.
With Love,
Hope Ministries