Hello all!
My name is Tarynne Kinghorn, and I am a junior biology major from Shenandoah, IA. I consider myself extremely blessed to be given the opportunity to travel to Tanzania, and I am excited to relay our experiences on to you! The blog comes a day late and a little short because of technical details and a loss of wi-fi.
Yesterday was another great day. We spent the morning with the kids again. I was so amazed by their love and joy despite the traumatic experiences they come from. As soon as they saw us walking toward them, they ran toward us and grabbed our hands. We brought bubbles and nail polish with us, which the children absolutely loved! We also played ring-a-round-the-rosy, practiced counting with rocks and pushed children on the swings. Each opportunity we get to spend with the children is truly a blessing, but we also learn more about their painful pasts. Taylor described it perfectly, “They break our hearts just to fill them back up.”
In the afternoon, we traveled to Moshi, to find a Christmas tree but were unable to find one. Hope Ministries Tanzanian Assistant, Julius, talked to a store manager, and we are hoping to be able to get one tomorrow. We enjoyed the opportunity to see a little more of the area we are staying in. We were also able to sit and talk with Mama Lynn, the founder of Light in Africa. Her faith and life experiences are truly amazing. We made plans for activities to work on in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned for making ornaments, a fire drill, and a very special Christmas treat for the kids.
God Bless, Tarynne Kinghorn