Asante Sana (“Thank You Very Much” in Swahili) to each and everyone of you for all of your encouragement and generous support. Hope Ministries could not do the work that we do without you.
With your support we will continue to visit the fatherless, feed the needy, provide medical care to the sick, and educate local Tanzanian medical professionals to continue on with proper medical care even after we have left.
Words cannot express our gratitude. Thank you again for absolutely everything. We are very, very grateful for your love and support throughout the years.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world
(James 1:27 NIV)
Thank you for allowing us to continue to do the work that God has set us out to do.
With Love,
Hope Ministries