Jacky visited hospice patients today while the rest of the team was performing and assisting in surgeries at Selian Hospital. The team saw many patients from the outreach clinics today and cherished their time as they witnessed lives being changed.
During hospice visits, Jacky and Julius saw 4 patients, 3 having HIV with 1 also having tuberculosis (TB). The fourth patient was new to the hospice team and had recently suffered from a stroke. One patient that Jacky visited has children who will not take care of her due to her diagnosis. This patient was struggling with paying for her rent, so Julius and Jacky were able to help her pay for two months of rent. The last patient Jacky visited had cancer along with HIV that has metastasized. The hospice team plans on taking this patient to the hospital to confirm where the cancer has spread. Jacky is feeling blessed that she was able to help those in need and fortunate for was she has back home.
The rest of the team went to the hospital today where they were able to do many surgeries. One of the last patients we saw was a patient that we saw yesterday while rounding with the doctors. This patient had a couple broken ribs and was struggling to breathe. Today he had a chest tube placed which will hopefully help with his breathing tremendously.
Melissa got to scrub in on a very interesting orthopedic case with a visiting doctor from Italy. She also got to scrub in on an incarcerated hernia which she found very educational. There was an emergency C-section that came in that Melissa got to watch as well! Melissa loved today as it was a great learning experience. Grace also got to scrub in on some very interesting cases and had a great time! She had a blast scrubbing in on different cases, primarily orthopedics. Grace was ecstatic that she was even able to place some sutures!
It amazed the team how much they can do with such little. Today the team accomplished so much! One patient that we saw at the outreach clinic has severe scoliosis and kyphosis who is unfortunately not a surgical candidate due to how advanced the curvature of the spine is. Gayle was able to provide this young man with a back brace to help him sit up straighter and ultimately help with his respiratory status.
Charles, the Ortho scrub nurse always gets teased about being so short. He was excited to see a nurse that was shorted than him.
This little girl was seen by the team in outreach clinic. She came to the OR room, and she looked at me and she called me Mama Gayle and then gave me this beautiful smile. When you’re busy, tried and faced with the many challenges, God puts this sweet smile in front of me and reminds me why I am called to this beautiful country.