“..I will come [back] to you. After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also.”
John 14:18-19
Reflecting on the time when Jesus was crucified and wondering how each of his present-day followers felt. What emotions arose within them as Jesus was crucified? Sadness? Doubt? Confusion? Anger? The One who promised them a New life was also the one that was currently lifeless on a tree.
When life feels as if it doesn’t makes sense, as if God’s directions, plans and guidance suddenly cease to exist — may we remember that there is always Light at the end of each tunnel. There’s always Hope in our tomorrow due to the Resurrection of Jesus on that third day.
We pray, Lord, that You would give us a renewal of hope in times of despair, doubt, frustration and pain. Cover the orphans, the widows and the homeless in Tanzania. Allow them to find the light at the end of the tunnel; remind them that you’re a God of miracles, power and protection. Amen.