Hope Ministries had the pleasure of hosting two physicians from Tanzania. Dr. Isidor is an orthopedic surgeon and Dr. Rodrick is an internist that work at Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza, Tanzania. Our medical mission teams work at this hospital during their mission trips. They both teach at the medical school and they along with another physician have started their own hospital in Mwanza called Kamanga Medics Hospital. Hope Ministries has partnered with them in bringing badly needed medical supplies and specialty physicians, who provide education to the medical student, residents and other physicians. Dr. Isidor also serves on Hope Ministries NGO board in Tanzania.
Hope Ministries hosted a meet and greet, in which these physicians were also to meet physicians who have worked in TZ before and other physicians who are interested in going on a trip. It was a great reunion and they excited other physicians in wanted to travel to TZ with Hope Ministries. Some of Hope Ministries board members and advisory board members were able to meet these physicians that Mama Gayle talks about all the time.
Dr. Rodrick spent the last week working with Dr. Persaud and Dr. Mikalak, learning how to do colonoscopies. Hope Ministries donated an endoscope and colonoscopy scope this last May. He has been doing a lot off endoscopes, but wanted to learn how to do colonoscopies. He had a great week and thanks to these doctors and the staff at Dunes Surgical Hospital for all you did to enhance Dr. Rodrick’s learning. He will be performing these procedures at Kamanga Medic Hospital and are the only ones that perform these procedures and they serve a population of 4.1 million people.
Also a special thanks to Dr. Ralph Reeder for spending time with Dr. Rodrick in discussing management ideas that produce good patient outcomes and Dr. Rodrick is the administrator of Kamanga Medics.
Before departing on Friday, Isidor and Rodrick wanted to personally thank some people who are sponsoring a resident by paying their tuition at Bugando Medical School. Dr and Mrs Craig Block are sponsoring a urology resident in his 3-year program.
They then stopped by and thanked the office manager, Ashley Mozak, at ENT Consultants, because the physicians at this office are sponsoring a ENT resident.
WE believe at Hope Ministries that is through education that we can make a lasting imprint in the medical field in Tanzania. Education can change the world…