Well it is only 4 days until our fundraiser and we are all excited to share this exciting evening with you all. It is a night of fun, in which we will celebrate all Hope’s accomplishments and a night of thanksgiving to all the people who have supported us through prayers and financial support. Our mission is “Shining Christ’s light of HOPE in a broken and hurting world”. You can be that light for one of God’s special people in Tanzania. So I hope you will come join us for our big night and be ready to dance to the band “Shake Your Tailbone”. They rocked the house last year and we are looking forward to hearing them again. Dr. Ralph Reeder has organized this band especially in support of this event. God bless him and all the band members for making this night possible.
The tickets are $20 per person and you can purchase them at the door. Please come help us raise our goal of $30,000 so that we can help people who are in need of our care. We will be auctioning vertebrae off for $300 each, and this is what it cost to pay for a life-saving surgery in Tanzania. This will provide Hope to many who have given up hope. We will also have Tanzanian items available for sale.
Come hear Wilson Kubwayo, from Burundi, Africa share his story on how Hope Ministries paid and performed a life-changing surgery on his cousin, who lives in Burundi, Africa.
If you are unable to come, we would appreciate your prayers and if would like to give a donation, you can go to our web site www.hopeministries.co and pay via Pay pal, or you can send a donation to:
Hope Ministries 401 S. Pearl St. Elk Point, SD 57025
God bless all of you,
Gayle Stroschein and Hope Ministries Board of Directors