— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring… for you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”
James 4:14,15
Being but a mist here on earth, may we bloom, and may we flourish. And may we remember that each day and every breath granted onto us is a gift. May we all choose to bloom where we are planted, grow where we are designed to prosper, and seek good and spread love wherever we may be. Life is more than a number in a bank account, more than the contrasting opinion of your enemy or the thoughts of your neighbor. Life is a mission to love and serve those around us well.
With all things aside, He always reminds us that the greatest of these is love.
May we seize every day, and make the most of every breath while following the Lord’s Will with all of our heart, soul and understanding.
Please come alongside of Hope Ministries, as we continue to seize our every moment and make the most of our time serving the people of Tanzania and come out to our Shake Your Tailbone fundraiser event on Sept 21, 2019 at The Bodega in Sioux City, Iowa at 6pm.