What a trip this has been!!! The mission of Hope Ministries is to teach, so that we can make a lasting impact in their health care. I am very passionate about that. This team has stepped up and did such awesome teaching and their knowledge has touched so many people. All of the team members did HIV teaching at different schools and then taught classes at the orphanages. Along with these teaching projects, they gave many resources to the people they taught so that they could continue to utilize the knowledge that they learned. The kids were all so excited to learn.
Hope Ministries bought a lot of food that was packaged up and delivered to the many poor hospice patients and family that we saw. These people were so touched and the team saw tears and received a lot of warm thank-yous and hugs. Hope Ministries then bought a lot of food for an orphanage in Mwanza that was desperately needing food to feed all the orphan children. Thanks to all the donors for making this happen.
Then the medical team worked very hard to help many people medically. Dr. Randy Woodward and Dr. Ralph Reeder were so patient in teaching the residents as they saw the patients in the clinic. Our doctors had a lot of difficult cases that took many hours. The surgical cases take us longer to do here because the team is constantly teaching as they are doing the surgery. Thanks to Ralph and Randy for sharing your knowledge and skills to help these people, who otherwise would not have gotten help.
Hope Ministries paid for many patients to have surgery, medications and provided transportation so patients could get medical care. We also utilized and donated a lot of medical equipment that will be utilized to help other patients in the future. This wonderful team came with loving and caring hearts and they were the hands and feet of Jesus as they assisted these poor people of Tanzania. I have been truly blessed that God sent me this great group of people. They have bonded so well and we have become a big happy family.
Well it is only 2 days until me leave. Now starts the good-byes and of course the tears will be flowing as usual. We are excited to be going to church with Julius tomorrow and then the team will get to meet his family. Julius is my biggest blessing of all. I just don’t know what I would do without him.
Please pray for the team as we have to leave this beautiful country of Tanzania on Monday and say good-bye to many people that have touched our lives over these last few weeks.
God bless all of the team and thanks for all you did for the people of Tanzania. You are all awesome!!
It was a shop till you drop day, in which the team did some shopping for gifts for their family. Ryan is sporting one of his new shirts. I think he looks like a tourist today! Good thing we love you Ryan!!!!
Love and prayers,
Mama Gayle