Jacky, Grace and Melissa have returned from their safari and gained some knowledge of how to survive in Africa. The safari vehicle did have a breakdown and we went to a craft seller while Julius got the part delivered to fix the problem. They went to two tribes today. The first tribe were the Bushman. They make their own bows and arrows. The arrows are made according to what they plan to hunt. They have dogs that hunt with them. The women of the tribe cook the food, take care of the children, build their huts and make crafts to sell. They have a clicking type language. The tribe showed us their hut, how to shoot with a bow and arrow and took us out on a hunt.
The second tribe were the Datoga tribe. They live in stick and mud huts that have a main room and a bedroom/kitchen combo. The women of the tribe grind corn with a stone and the team got to practice this. The men of the tribe take used scrap metal, melt it down with a coal fire and then turn it into jewelry, silverware and other trinkets to sell. The Datoga tribe make the arrow heads out of large nails for the Bushman tribe.
Gayle and Dr. Alex went to the Cultural Heritage Center and the Maasai Market to buy items for her auction. They found some ice cream and visited a book store where Dr. Alex bought pens.