Brennan Manning, the wonderful author of The Ragamuffin Gospel wrote that,
“In Christ, freedom from fear empowers us to let go of the desire to constantly appear good (and people please), so that we can move freely into the mystery of who Christ has truly made us out to be.”
Processing through this statement today and realizing how important it is to ask God exactly who He has made us out to be today, which entails not wondering what the next door neighbor’s opinion of us is or what our past experiences label us as, but allowing ourselves to truly wonder, “What longing has God placed intentionally in our hearts today in order to be the individual He’s truly curated us to be?”
As I reflect, I thought what a beautiful mantra for every child, orphan and widow that we serve to hold and cherish deep within their hearts, and then God gently reminded me of what a beautiful, elequoent mantra it would be to have and to hold within our very own, needing hearts.
Here’s to becoming who God has created us to be and encouraging those around us to do the same.
With Love,
– Hope Ministries