Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.
Luke 22:42
In Luke 22, Jesus shows us that it’s okay to feel the burden and heaviness with the current chaos around us. It’s okay to ask God to meet our daily needs and take away our current suffering. And at the same time, as we cry out, understanding that God’s will is still best. May we believe that God will answer our prayers in His own time and in His own ways. Even when we don’t understand His ways, God still has our best interest at heart.
As we prepare for Holy Week beginning this Sunday, April 5, 2020, may we continue to pray over those impacted by both sickness and financial stress throughout the world today. May we continue to place our trust in the One who knows our every need, even amidst our suffering.
Here’s a prayer to try for the week:
God, this suffering seems too overwhelming, too much for me to bear at times. All too often, I feel the weight of anxiety, fear, and/or shame pooling around me. At times this pandemic is too overwhelming to my soul to bear. O Lord, I ask that You would take this cup of suffering away for me, for my friends and family both near and far. Jesus, I trust that You will provide all of us peace amongst the chaos and freedom amidst the suffering. I continue to place my eyes on your cross and pray, always, that not my will, but Your will be done. Make goodness come from this chaos and beauty arise from these ashes.
In Your Holy Name,
Stay Safe,
Hope Ministries