July 20th
We’ve been a little MIA lately but the team has been doing great! Over the weekend we took some much needed days off and enjoyed visiting different tribes in Africa and going on safaris. On Sunday, we left Arusha and flew to Mwanza. We arrived Sunday afternoon and enjoyed spending time on Lake Victoria and its surrounding beauty.
This week, most of the team has been going to the Bugando Medical Center (the second biggest hospital in Tanzania) and working in the orthopedics department. When we get there we start by going to morning report. After report, Dr. Pruitt does a teaching lesson related to total joint replacements. Once his lesson is done we head to the operating theater. The past two days Dr. Pruitt has done three total hip replacements and one total knee replacements. The students enjoyed scrubbing in and assisting when needed. We have really enjoyed learning from Dr. Pruitt and the medical team at Bugando. The surgery days are long and tiring but we always leave the hospital with a sense of peace knowing that we were able to help those who are in great need.
Those who do not go to the hospital go to the Fonelisco orphanage and help where they are needed. This week the team has been doing their teaching projects. Before we left on our trip, each team member prepared a teaching projecting of their choosing to present to the children. Some of the projects included Bible stories, COVID prevention and precautions, and mensuration. The kids really enjoy this as this is their only way of getting educated on these topics. Along with the teaching projects, we take a group of children everyday to buy them new shoes. The kids are in great need for new shoes so we are happy to help them.
As our time in Tanzania is coming to an end we are overcome with joy with the work we have been able to do. The medical need in Tanzania is extremely high and we feel so blessed that we are able to help, even if its in the smallest way. We are thankful for the prayers and support that we have at home and we are excited to see our loved ones when we get home.
Mungu ni mwema (God is good)
With love,
Team has been awesome. I continue to have many bumps in the road to attend to, but God is walking with me to provide me with guidance and support. We are doing total joint replacements which are surgeries that they have just started and are learning so much from Dr. Pruitt. These are life changing surgeries for many. the doctor and I had a very late day not getting home until 1030 but we accomplished a lot.
The team meet with the administration of the hospitals yesterday and the orthopedic physician that we have been working with said such kind words about how Hope Ministries has helped them over the years and that they come in love. That warmed my heart.
I have been able to meet with some of the residents that we have supported in the past and are currently supporting. The love and graciousness they have is beyond anything that I can describe. Thanks to all the donors for supported these doctors. Hope Ministries focus on education and by education a resident we will help many people for a long time. It is so awesome to see the residents that have graduated and function in their roles. It warms my heart and I feel like their mother who is watching her children grow and be successful physicians.
Keep praying for us as we have a lot of complicated surgeries to do. Sending a lot of love.
God bless,
Mama Gayle