HIV Diagnosis

Hospice Story from Hope Ministries Volunteer: Jasmine F.

Today during our hospice visits, we assessed four patients all diagnosed with HIV. The second patient we visited was a 39 year old woman. She had been married twice previously but her both of her husbands left her due to her HIV. She currently provides for her two children all by herself and let us know how overwhelmed she was feeling. She was visibly suffering and was not doing well physically. She recently developed a respiratory infection, and it was taking a toll on her body due to her weakened immune system. We were able to take her vitals, further educate her on HIV and provide her family with nourishing food for the week.

She couldn’t stop expressing her gratitude after we provided her with the food and cooking oil.

We are so grateful to our donors who help us provide nourishing food and help to those in need.

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