Sorry we did not have internet on safari so will be posting the last 3 days because back where we have internet.
Well the team is high with excitement this morning as we are preparing to head out on our first day of safari. This is where we get to see God's beauty of Africa. You can't travel half way across the world without going on a safari in Tanzania. We are lucky because we have Julius as our safari guide and he is the best one ever! His knowledge about the land, resources and animals will enrich our adventure. We first traveled about 1 1/2 hours to Tarangire. The land around this area are full of beautiful trees and the grass is appears dry. We first come upon some Wildebeast which are a grazing and this is Jaclyn's favorite animal so she is excited. We then spotted some zebras and then my favorite the twiga (giraffe). We then came to a waterhole which was filled with the majestic elephants. They are playing in the water and mud. Amidst them is the cutest little baby elephant playing and having fun in the water. As we continue along the paths in the park in Tarangire we see the beautiful animals. We then came to a nice picnic area and Katie was excited to see the blue balled monkies. You had to watch out for the monkeys as they would run and steal the people's food from there lunch boxes. We then continued seeing the beautiful animals and then arrived at our Lodge.
We went to a Maasai village and were greeted by Maasai warriors and they did there traditional dance for us. Julius being Maasai joined in with the dance. Then came the women with there babies on there backs and they danced. The women then put Maasai necklaces on the team and they danced with them. Then Julius was seen jumping high in the air with the Maasai warriors. They then took us to there huts and showed us how they lived. I just love learning about other cultures. Katie and I were in one hut and the single warrior offered me 12 cows for her because he wanted her for his wife and the women would build her a new hut. They then took us to see the sweet little kids being taught in a mud hut school. Then another warrior saw Jaclyn and offered me 20 cows but Jaclyn said she was worth more than that and so he offered me 25. Needless to say I did not sell any of the girls. HA! Darn I could have done some fundraising for Hope Ministries.
After trying to cleanse all the dirt off our feet, we all got a soda and started playing cards. The first game we played was last card and when Julius arrived and told us we were not playing the game right he preceded to teach us a new card game and we had fun playing it. I think he was making up the rules as we went. Fun was held by all. Everyone headed to bed early because they were all tired and we need to get up early in the morning.
Please continue prayers for the team and for all our families at home. Love and hugs to all.