
In a current culture filled with endless amounts of instant gratification, sometimes God’s desire for us is to go against the quick pace of the world – to sit, be still and endure throughout the hard seasons of life. Sometimes He uses the most challenging seasons including difficult jobs, broken relationships, sickness, and / or financial trials to grow us, shape us, and mold us into the humans He’s designed us to become.

Instead of wishing away whatever challenging season may come our way, may we welcome it with open arms, lean into the full Presence of God and simply sit back with an open heart and be filled an attitude full of hope – trusting and knowing that He is God. He is ultimately good, and He has every detail all under His control.

May we pray this over our brothers and sisters both near and far today, and may we trust in the goodness of His Love in this very moment.

With Love,

Hope Ministries