Hope Ministries Volunteer, Abby, and her experience at an outreach clinic:
“I was moved to tears while caring for a four-year-old patient suffering from fluorosis. Here in Tanzania, fluoride levels are extremely high from the run off water from Mount Meru. These toxic levels of fluoride cause calcium to be drawn out of the bones, which causes fluorosis. Fluorosis presents with bowing of the legs and minor fractures. Their calcium-deprived bones suffer small fractures as the children grow, causing their bones to heal in a grotesque bowed shaped.
It was easy to see that my 4 year old patient was suffering from fluorosis. This child was brought to me by his neighbor, who told me this child’s mother was a long time alcohol abuser. The neighbor heard that we were hosting a clinic and volunteered to bring the child in for treatment, as the child’s mother was unable due to her excessive alcohol consumption that morning. It was such a wonderful moment when were able to tell this man that we could offer the child a surgical consult to determine the possibility repairing his damaged bone free-of-charge. This consult would be paid in full by Hope Ministries.
I knew that this moment was a brand new start to this child’s life. Not only is he going to finally receive medical treatment, but he will also get help with his unhealthy household. I praise God that we were able to give this child a new chance at life. I would travel across the world a thousand times more to witness God make this kind of an impact in someone else’s life. I am so grateful for the many more lives that have also been touched by this mission.”
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