
Well some of the supply bags are packed and they left today with four young ladies from BVU.  These students are doing an extended stay, in which they will be staying at Light in Africa Children’s Home and working with Mama Lynn to help with the children.  They will be there for two weeks with my assistant, Julius at Tudor village.  I am asking that everyone say some special prayers for these special young ladies as they make their journey to Tanzania.  As I talked to them last night, I could sense the excitement in their voices.  I know God has some great plans for these young ladies.  The kids at the children’s home are going to be so excited to see them.  My team in Tanzania is excited for their arrival. 

They will be sending me daily posts, if they have electricity and internet, so I hope you enjoy following them on this journey.  I will be joining them in a couple of weeks.  I have been humbled by the generosity of so many people who have donated to help assist with this trip.  I have three surgeons who will be making this journey and we have a lot of medical work lined up.  Many people’s lives will be touched and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your love and support you have given to Hope Ministries.  Your love and kindness will touch the lives of so many poor people.  May God bless you!
